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Ccxxxiii nis j.s.c. board of directors meeting by correspondence held

45th extraordinary meeting of nis shareholders assembly held

Quarterly report for the third quarter of 2024

Nis group business results for nine months of 2024

Insider information

General information

Corporate bonds

Announcement of submission and publication of quarterly report for the third quarter of 2024

Notification of the board of directors decision on convocation of the xlv extraordinary meeting of the shareholders assembly


Notice of dividend payment for 2023

Notice of intent to pay dividend for 2023

Quarterly report for the second quarter of 2024

Nis doubled investments in the first half of 2024

Announcement of submission and publication of quarterly report for the second quarter of 2024

Notification to members of the central depository and clearing house (submitting residence certificate and information on beneficial owners of income)

Xvi ordinary meeting of nis shareholders’ assembly held

Decision on adoption of the annual report for 2023

Decision оn profit distribution for 2023, dividend payment and determining the total amount of retained profit of nis j.s.c. novi sad

Notification of the board of directors decision on convocation of the xvi ordinary meeting of the shareholders’ assembly

Ccxix and ccxx nis j.s.c. board of directors meeting by correspondence held

Annual report for 2023

Remark in accordance with article 73 of the law on capital market

Quarterly report for the first quarter of 2024

Board of directors approves proposal of dividend payment for 2023

Nis group’s performance results in the first quarter of 2024.

Announcement of submission and publication of annual report for 2023

Announcement of submission of updated profile document of the issuer nis j.s.c. novi sad

Announcement of submission and publication of quarterly report for the first quarter of 2024

Ccxvi nis j.s.c. board of directors meeting by correspondence held

Sanctions compliance

Consolidated financial statements for 2023 and independent auditor’s report

Quarterly report – 4th quarter 2023

Nis business in 2023

Announcement of submission and publication of quarterly report for the fourth quarter of 2023

Nis business plan for 2024 – adopted

Quarterly report for the third quarter of 2023

Nis group operations in the nine months of 2023

Announcement of submission and publication of quarterly report for the third quarter of 2023

Goran knezevic

Alexey yankevich

Kiril tjurdenjev

Dragutin matanović

Dejan radenković

Olga vysotskaia

Board of directors meeting reports

Board of directors commissions

Shareholders’ assembly meetings


Privacy policy


Dividend payment for 2023

Terms of use

Useful information


Fact sheet


Download center

For minority shareholders

Notice of dividend payment 2022

External audit


Code of corporate governance

Transactions or actions involving personal interest


Quick analyzer

Operational figures

Search result

Board of directors

Regulated information

Shares and ownership structure


Financial statements

Annual and quarterly reports

Auditor report


Corporate governance

Group structure

Shareholders assembly board

Company general acts

Shareholders’ assembly

News & press releases

Ir calendar


Performance highlights

Financial figures

Reporting centre

Shares and dividend

Notice of intent to pay dividend for 2022

Quarterly report for the second quarter of 2023

Nis group performance in first half of 2023

Announcement of submission and publication of quarterly report for the second quarter of 2023

Notification to members of the central depository and clearing house (submitting residence certificate and information on beneficial owners of income)

Decision on adoption of the annual report for 2022

Decision оn profit distribution for 2022, dividend payment and determining the total amount of retained profit of nis j.s.c. novi sad

Xv ordinary meeting of nis shareholders’ assembly held

Invitation to the xv ordinary meeting of shareholders’ assembly of nis j.s.c. novi sad

Board of directors of nis determined proposal of the decision on the payment of dividends

Notification of the board of directors decision on convocation of the xv ordinary meeting of the shareholders’ assembly

Support of nis to projects of the government of the republic of serbia in the field of education and social and health care

Quarterly report for the first quarter of 2023

Annual report for 2022

Remark in accordance with article 73 of the law on capital market

Nis group business results in the first quarter of 2023

Announcement of submission of updated profile document of the issuer nis j.s.c. novi sad

Announcement of submission and publication of quarterly report for the first quarter of 2023

Announcement of submission and publication of annual report for 2022

Consolidated financial statements for 2022 and independent auditor’s report

Nis operations in 2022

195th board of directors’ meeting by correspondence held

Nis board of directors adopts the business plan for 2023

Nis business operations in the first 9 months of 2022

Quarterly report for the third quarter of 2022

Announcement of submission and publication of quarterly report for the third quarter of 2022

192nd board of directors’ meeting by correspondence held

Notice of dividend payment for 2021

Notice of intent to pay dividend for 2021

Quarterly report for the second quarter of 2022

Interim condensed financial statements for the first six months of 2022

Interim consolidated condensed financial statements for the first six months of 2022

Nis group business results in the first half of 2022

Announcement of submission and publication of quarterly report for the second quarter of 2022

Notification to members of the central depository and clearing house (submitting residence certificate and information on beneficial owners of income)

Decision оn profit distribution for 2021, dividend payment and determining the total amount of retained profit of nis j.s.c. novi sad

Decision on adoption of the annual report for 2021

Xiv ordinary meeting of nis shareholders’ assembly held

Notification of the board of directors decision on convocation of the xiv ordinary meeting of the shareholders’ assembly

Draft decision on amendments and supplements to the articles of association

Invitation to the xiv ordinary meeting of shareholders’ assembly of nis j.s.c. novi sad

Board of directors of nis determined proposal of the decision on the payment of dividends

New memeber of the board of directors appointed

Quarterly report for the first quarter of 2022

Nis group results in the first quarter of 2022

Interim condensed financial statements for the first three months of 2022

Interim consolidated condensed financial statements for the first three months of 2022

Announcement of submission and publication of quarterly report for the first quarter of 2022

Notice of the issuer regarding changes in significant participation (gazprom neft)

Notice of the issuer regarding changes in significant participation (gazprom)

182nd board of directors’ meeting by correspondence held

Belgrade stock exchange questionnaire on corporate governance practice

Annual report for 2021

Remark in accordance with article 51 of the law on capital market

Announcement of submission and publication of annual report for 2021

Annual document on published information of nis j.s.c. novi sad

Nis group steps up performance in 2021

Consolidated financial statements for 2021 and independent auditor’s report

Conclusion of contract on purchase of crude oil

Nis board of directors adopts business plan for 2022

Nis becomes a strategic partner of hip petrohemija

171st board of directors meeting by correspondence held

Nis business operations in the first three quarters of 2021

Interim condensed financial statements for the first nine months of 2021

Quarterly report for the third quarter of 2021

Interim consolidated condensed financial statements for the first nine months of 2021

Announcement of submission and publication of quarterly report for the third quarter of 2021

Notice of dividend payment for 2020

Notice of intent to pay dividend for 2020

Nis performance in first six months of 2021

Quarterly report for the second quarter of 2021

Announcement of submission and publication of quarterly report for the second quarter of 2021

Notification to csd members (submitting residence certificate and information on beneficial owners of income)

165th board of directors meeting by correspondence held

Decision on adoption of the annual report for 2020

Decision оn distribution of profit from previous years, coverage of loss of nis j.s.c. novi sad for 2020, dividend payment and determining the total amount of retained profit

Xiii ordinary meeting of nis shareholders assembly held

Invitation to the xiii ordinary meeting of shareholders’ assembly of nis j.s.c. novi sad

Board of directors of nis defined draft decision on the payment of dividends

Notification of the board of directors decision on convocation of the xiii ordinary meeting of the shareholders’ assembly

Interim condensed financial statements for the first three months of 2021

Interim consolidated condensed financial statements for the first three months of 2021

Quarterly report for the first quarter of 2021

Nis group business results in the first quarter of 2021

Announcement of submission and publication of quarterly report for the first quarter of 2021

Annual report for 2020

Remark in accordance with article 51 of the law on capital market

Belgrade stock exchange questionnaire on corporate governance practice

Announcement of submission and publication of annual report for 2020

160th board of directors meeting by correspondence held

Announcement of submission of updated profile document of the issuer nis j.s.c. novi sad

Annual document on published information of nis j.s.c. novi sad

Consolidated financial statements for 2020 and independent auditor’s report

Financial statements for 2020 and independent auditor’s report

Nis group 2020 results affected by the pandemic

157th board of directors meeting by correspondence held

Nis board of directors adopts 2021 business plan

Notice of dividend payment for 2019

New plant in the pančevo oil refinery officially put into operation

Notice of intent to pay dividend for 2019

Results of nis group for the first nine months of 2020

Quarterly report for the third quarter of 2020

Interim consolidated condensed financial statements for the first nine months of 2020

Interim condensed financial statements for the first nine months of 2020

Announcement on submission and publication of quarterly report for the third quarter of 2020

Notification to members of the central depository and clearing house(submitting residence certificate and information on beneficial owners of income)

Quarterly report for the second quarter of 2020

Operation of nis group in the first half of 2020

Interim condensed financial statements for the first six months of 2020

Interim consolidated condensed financial statements for the first six months of 2020

Announcement on submission and publication of quarterly report for the second quarter of 2020

Decision on adoption of the annual report for 2019

Decision оn profit distribution for 2019

Xii ordinary meeting of nis shareholders’ assembly held

Belgrade stock exchange questionnaire on corporate governance practice

Annual report for 2019

Invitation to the xii ordinary meeting of shareholders’ assembly of nis j.s.c. novi sad

Focuses of nis: maintaining the key investments and further company development

Notification of the board of directors’ decision on convocation of the xii ordinary meeting of the shareholders’ assembly

Board of directors defined the draft decision on the payment of dividends and adopted the decision to convene the xii ordinary shareholders’ assembly meeting of nis

Interim consolidated condensed financial statements for the first three months of 2020

Interim condensed financial statements for the first first three months of 2020

Quarterly report for the first quarter of 2020

Nis group results in the first quarter of 2020

146th board of directors meeting by correspondence held

Announcement on submission and publication of quarterly report for the first quarter of 2020

Announcement on submission of updated profile document of the issuer nis j.s.c. novi sad

New member of the board of directors appointed

Invitation to the 44th extraordinary meeting of shareholders’ assembly of nis j.s.c. novi sad

Notification of the board of directors’ decision on convocation of the 44th extraordinary meeting of the shareholders’ assembly

Annual document on published information of nis j.s.c. novi sad

Consolidated financial statements for 2019 and independent auditor’s report

Financial statements for 2019 and independent auditor’s report

Nis group performance in 2019

Board of directors adopts the business plan for 2020

139th board of directors meeting by correspondence held

Nis group operating results for 9 months of 2019

Quarterly report for the third quarter of 2019

Interim consolidated condensed financial statements for the first 9 months of 2019

Interim condensed financial statements for the first 9 months of 2019

Announcement on submission and publication of quarterly report for the third quarter of 2019

Notification of dividend payment for 2018

43rd extraordinary meeting of shareholders’ assembly held

Notice of intent to pay dividend for 2018

Invitation to the 43rd extraordinary meeting of shareholders assembly

Notification of the board of directors’ decision on convocation of the 43rd extraordinary meeting of the shareholders’ assembly

Interim condensed financial statements for the first six months of 2019

Interim condensed consolidated financial statements for the first six months of 2019

Quarterly report for the second quarter of 2019

Nis group business results in the first half of 2019

Announcement on submission and publication of quarterly report for the second quarter of 2019

Notification to members of the central depository and clearing house(submitting residence certificate and information on beneficial owners of income)

11th regular meeting of nis shareholders’ assembly held

Decision оn profit distribution for 2018

Decision on adoption of the annual report for 2018

132th board of directors meeting by correspondence held

Invitation to the xi ordinary meeting of shareholders assembly

Draft decision on amendments and supplements to the articles of association

Notification of the board of directors’ decision on convocation of the xi ordinary meeting of the shareholders’ assembly

Board of directors drafted the decision on the payment of dividends

Annual report for 2018

Remark in accordance with article 51 of the law on capital market

Belgrade stock exchange questionnaire on corporate governance practice

Nis published q1 2019 performance results

Quarterly report for the first quarter of 2019

Interim consolidated condensed financial statements for the first quarter of 2019

Interim condensed financial statements for the first quarter of 2019

Announcement on submission of annual report for 2018

Announcement on submission of quarterly report for the first quarter of 2019

Announcement on submission of updated profile document

126th board of directors meeting by correspondence held

Annual document on published information of nis j.s.c. novi sad

Swiss met group and nis to build wind park near plandište

Consolidated financial statements for 2018 and independent auditor’s report

Financial statements for 2018 and independent auditor’s report

Nis is publishing its revised consolidated financial statements for 2018 – nis invested over 40 billion dinars in 2018

Board of directors of nis j.s.c. novi sad adopts the business plan for 2019

120th bod meeting by correspondence held

Interim consolidated condensed financial statements for the first 9 months of 2018

Interim condensed financial statements for the first 9 months of 2018

Quarterly report for the third quarter of 2018

Nis perfomance in 9m 2018

Announcement on submission and publication of quarterly report for the third quarter of 2018

116th bod meeting by correspondence held

Notice of dividend payment

Quarterly report for the second quarter of 2018

In the first half of the 2018 nis invested 17.2 billion dinars

Interim condensed financial statements for the first 6 months of 2018

Interim consolidated condensed financial statements for the first 6 months of 2018

Announcement on submission and publication of quarterly report for the second quarter of 2018

Notification to members of the central depository and clearing house(submitting residence certificate and information on beneficial owners of income)

10th regular meeting of nis shareholders’ assembly held

Decision оn profit distribution for 2017

Decision on adoption of the annual report for 2017

111th bod meeting by correspondence held

Invitation to the x ordinary meeting of shareholders’ assembly of nis j.s.c. novi sad

Nis board of directors holds meeting

Quarterly report for the first quarter of 2018

Annual report for 2017

Remark in accordance with article 51 of the law on capital market

Belgrade stock exchange questionnaire on corporate governance practice

Nis invests rsd 7.8 billion in q1 2018

Announcement on submission of quarterly report for the first quarter of 2018

Announcement on submission and publication of annual report for 2017

106th nis j.s.c. board of directors meeting by correspondence held

Announcement on submission of updated profile document of the issuer nis j.s.c. novi sad

Annual document on published information of nis j.s.c. novi sad

Consolidated financial statements for 2017 and independent auditor’s report

Financial statements for 2017 and independent auditor’s report

Nis publishes audited consolidated financial statements for 2017

Nis board of directors adopts 2025 corporate strategy

98th nis j.s.c. board of directors meeting by correspondence held

Quarterly report for the third quarter of 2017

Nis releases consolidated operating results for the first nine months of 2017

Announcement on submission of quarterly report for the third quarter of 2017

Nis starts constructing of bottom of the barrel plant

95th nis j.s.c. board of directors meeting by correspondence held

Notice of dividend payment

Quarterly report for the second quarter of 2017

Nis group has published consolidated business results for the first half of 2017

Announcement on submission and publication of quarterly report for the second quarter of 2017

Notification to members of the central depository and clearing house(submitting residence certificate and information on beneficial owners of income)

Decision оn profit distribution for 2016

Decision on adoption of the annual report for 2016

Nis holds 9th annual general meeting

Invitation to the 9th regular meeting of shareholders assembly of nis j.s.c. novi sad

Nis board of directors meeting by correspondence held

Nis releases consolidated business results for the first quarter of 2017

Quarterly report for the first quarter of 2017

Interim condensed financial statements for the first quarter of 2017

Interim condensed consolidated financial statements for the first quarter of 2017

Announcement on submission and publication of quarterly report for the first quarter of 2017

Belgrade stock exchange questionnaire on corporate governance practice

Annual report for 2016

Remark in accordance with article 51 of the law on capital market

Announcement on submission and publication of annual report for 2016

Report on company body’s session – 87th nis j.s.c. board of directors meeting by correspondence held

Annual document on published information of nis j.s.c. novi sad

Announcement on submission of updated profile document to stock exchange

Nis board of directors has appointed Кyrill tyurdenev as the company ceo

Financial statements for 2016 and independent auditor’s report

Consolidated financial statements for 2016 in accordance with the regulation of republic of serbia and independent auditor’s report

Consolidated financial statements for 2016 and independent auditor’s report

Nis published audited consolidated financial statements for 2016

New member of the board of directors appointed

Nis board of directors adopts the 2017 business plan for the company

Report on company body’s session – 79th nis j.s.c. board of directors meeting by correspondence held

Interim condensed consolidated financial statements for nine months of 2016

Quarterly report for the third quarter of 2016

Interim condensed financial statements for nine months of 2016

Nis announces consolidated operating results for the three quarters of 2016

Announcement on submission of quarterly report for the third quarter of 2016

Notice of dividend payment

Report on company body’s session – 76th nis j.s.c. board of directors meeting by correspondence held

Interim consolidated condensed financial statements for the first half of 2016

Interim condensed financial statements for the first half of 2016

Quarterly report for the second quarter of 2016

Announcement on submission of quarterly report for the second quarter of 2016

Notification to members of the central depository and clearing house(submitting residence certificate and information on beneficial owners of income)

Nis has presented the report on sustainable development for 2015

Viii regular session of the shareholders’ assembly of nis held

Decision оn profit distribution for 2015, dividend payment and determining the total amount of retained profit of nis j.s.c. novi sad

Decision оn adoption of the annual report of nis j.s.c. novi sad for 2015

Report on company body’s session – 69th nis j.s.c. board of directors meeting by correspondence held

Invitation to the viii ordinary meeting of shareholders’ assembly of nis j.s.c. novi sad

Nis announced consolidatedbusiness results for the first quarter of 2016

Quarterly report for the first quarter of 2016

Interim condensed consolidated financial statements for the first quarter of 2016

Interim condensed financial statements for the first quarter of 2016

Board of directors of nis adopted a proposal of shareholders’ assembly decisions on profit distribution

Announcement on submission and publication of quarterly report for the first quarter of 2016

Remark in accordance with article 51 of the law on capital market

Annual report of nis j.s.c. novi sad for 2015

Belgrade stock exchange questionnaire on corporate governance practice

Announcement on submission and publication of annual report for 2015

66th nis j.s.c. board of directors meeting by correspondence held

Announcement on submission of updated profile document to stock exchange

Annual document on published information of nis j.s.c. novi sad

Financial statements for 2015 and independent auditor’s report

Consolidated financial statements for 2015 in accordance with the regulation of republic of serbia and independent auditor’s report

Consolidated financial statements for 2015 and independent auditor’s report

Nis publishes audited consolidated financial statements for 2015

63rd nis j.s.c. board of directors meeting by correspondence held

Nis receives the belgrade stock exchange award for best relations with insvestors

Interim condensed consolidated financial statements for nine months of 2015

Interim condensed financial statements for nine months of 2015

Quarterly report for the third quarter of 2015

Nis announces consolidated results for 9m 2015

Announcement on submission and publishment of quarterly report for the third quarter of 2015

60th nis j.s.c. board of directors meeting by correspondence held

Notice of dividend payment

Quarterly report for the second quarter of 2015

Interim condensed consolidated financial statements for the first half of 2015

Interim condensed financial statements for the first half of 2015

Announcement on submission and publishment of quarterly report for the second quarter of 2015

Nis publishes consolidated business results for the first half of 2015

Notification to members of the central depository and clearing house(submitting residence certificate and information on beneficial owners of income)

Nis presented the report on sustainable development for 2014

Decision on оn adoption of the annual report of nis j.s.c. novi sad for 2014

Decision оn profit distribution for 2014, dividend payment and determining the total amount of retained profit of nis j.s.c. novi sad

7th ordinary meeting of nis j.s.c. shareholders’ assembly held

Gazprom setting up company to construct tpp in serbia

Invitation to the 7th regular shareholders’ assembly of nis j.s.c. novi sad

Quarterly report for the first quarter of 2015

Announcement on submission and publication of quarterly report for the first quarter of 2015

Interim condensed consolidated financial statements for the first quarter of 2015

Interim condensed financial statements for the first quarter of 2015

Nis announces consolidated business results for the first quarter of 2015

Remark in accordance with article 51of the law on capital market

Annual report of nis j.s.c. novi sad for 2014

Belgrade stock exchange questionnaire on corporate governance practice

Announcement on submission and publication of annual report for 2014

Annual document on published information of nis j.s.c. novi sad

53rd nis j.s.c. board of directors meeting by correspondence held

Announcement on submission of updated profile document

Financial statements for 2014 and independent auditor’s report

Consolidated financial statements for 2014 and independent auditor’s report

Nis publishes audited consolidated financial statement data for 2014

42nd extraordinary shareholders’ assembly meeting held

Nis’ board of directors adopts corporate business plan for 2015

Invitation to the 42nd extraordinary meeting of shareholders’ assembly of nis j.s.c. novi sad

47th board of directors’ meeting by correspondence held

Notice on dividend payment

Quarterly report for the third quarter of 2014

Interim condensed financial statements for nine months of 2014

Consolidated financial statements for the first nine months of 2014

Announcement on submission and publishment of quarterly report for the 3rd quarter of 2014

Notification to members of the central depository and clearing house(submitting residence certificate and information on beneficial owners of income)

9th nis j.s.c. board of directors meeting held

Decision of board of directors on determining the date, procedure and the manner of dividend disbursement for 2013 to nis j.s.c. novi sad shareholders

Quarterly report for q2 2014

Announcement on submission and publishment of quarterly report for the second quarter of 2014

Interim condensed consolidated financial statements for the first half of 2014

Interim condensed consolidated financial statements for the first half of 2014

Nis publishes consolidated results of the group for the first half of 2014

Nis presented the report on sustainable development for 2013

Quarterly report released for q1 2014

Interim condensed financial statements for the first quarter of 2014

Announcement on submission and publication of quarterly report for the first quarter of 2014

Annual report of nis j.s.c. novi sad for 2013

Interim condensed consolidated financial statements for the first quarter of 2014

Announcement on submission and publication of annual report for 2013

Nis publishes group’s consolidated performance results for the first quarter 2014

Аnnouncement on submission of updated profile document

Annual document on disclosed information in 2013 is released

Standalone financial statements for 2013 with the report of the independent auditor published

Consolidated financial statements for 2013 with the report of the independent auditor published

Nis publishes information from audited consolidated financial statements for 2013 as per irfs

Nis board of directors approves 2014 business plan

Standalone financial statements for first 3 months of 2013 published

Consolidated financial statements for first 3 months of 2013 published

Quarterly report for the 3rd quarter of 2013

Announcement on submission and publishment of quarterly report for the 3rd quarter of 2013

Nis announces its consolidated business results for the nine months in 2013

Nis starts building an amine unit in the lpg production unit in elemir

Gazprom energoholding and nis signed the memorandum on the construction of steam-gas thermal plant in pančevo

Consolidated financial statements for 1st half of 2013 published

Quarterly report for the 2nd quarter of 2013

Announcement on submission and publishment of quarterly report for the 2nd quarter of 2013

Standalone financial statements for 1st half of 2013 published

Nis publishes non-conlolidated business performance results for first half of 2013

The board of directors appointed bobkov as new nis bod member

Nis publishes 2012 sustainability report

Board of directors adopted the decision on determining the date, procedure and the manner of dividend disbursement for 2012 to nis j.s.c. novi sad shareholders

Nis starts programme for efficient use of gas resources

5th regular shareholders assembly

Consolidated financial statements for the 1st quarter of 2013 published

Standalone financial statements for 1st quarter of 2013 published

Quarterly report for the 1st quarter of 2013

Announcement on submission and publishment of quarterly report for the 1st quarter of 2013

Questionnaire on corporate governance practice is released

Annual report for 2012

Consolidated financial statements for 2012 completely in compliance with ifrs

Announcement on submission and publishment of annual report for 2012

Nis presented its financial results for first quarter of 2013. on belgrade stock exchange

Tenth nis j.s.c. board of directors meeting by correspondence

Annual document on disclosed information in 2012 is released

Nis acquires omv stations in bosnia-herzegovina

Consolidated financial statements for 2012 with the report of the independent auditor published

Standalone financial statements for 2012 with the report of the independent auditor published

Financial results of nis in 2012

Оfficial Оpening of nis petrol station in the republic of srpska

Successfully organized nis investor’s day

Nis signed agreement for construction of the wind farm ”plandište”

Nis acquires omv petrol stations in bih

Company business plan for 2013 adopted

Completed refinery modernisation project at pančevo

Interim financial statements for jan-sep 2012 released

Quarterly business report released for q3 2012

Notice of announcement of quarterly report for q3 2012

Nis acquired first storage in bulgaria

Jadran naftagas presented preliminary results of oil and gas exploration at the territory of the republic of srpska

Second nis j.s.c. board of directors meeting by correspondence

Nis introduced the development strategy of base oil production in the novi sad refinery

Interim condensed consolidated financial statements for h1 2012 released

Quarterly report for q2 2012 released

Announcement on submission and publishment of quarterly report for second quarter of 2012 оf the issuer nis j.s.c. novi sad

Interim condensed unaudited financial report released for h1 2012

Nis reports first half 2012 financial and operting results

Presentation of results achieved in the first half of 2012

Nis released 2011 sustainable development report in accordance with international standards

Annual report for 2011 and decision on distributing profit and covering losses of nis j.s.c. novi sad for 2011 adopted

4th regular shareholders assembly nis j.s.c. novi sad held

Solvency report – nis is a reliable business partner

47th session of the nis a.d. novi sad board of directors

Report from board of directors meeting held on 18.5.2012.

Nis board of directors approved development conception for production of base oils in the refinery novi sad

Interim consolidated financial statements for jan-mar 2012 released

Quarterly business report released for q1 2012

Notice of announcement of consolidated quarterly financial report on 14.5.2012.

New independent member appointed to the nis board of directors

New unit started up at pančevo oil refinery

Project of modernization of power plant novi sad

Nis’ results in first quarter of 2012

Intent to establish pančevo free zone

Interim condensed financial report released for q1 2012.

Notice of announcement of quarterly financial report on 3.5.2012.

Annual report released for 2011. 

Presentation of results achieved in the first quarter 2012 on 27.4.2012.

Agreement on exploitation of geothermal sources signed

Consolidated financial statements for 2011 released 

Financial statements for 2011 released

Independent auditor pwc confirmed the accuracy of nis 2011 consolidated financial reports

Unaudited consolidated financial statement prepared in accordance with ifrs for 2011

Nis presented environmental investment program

Nis reconstructs its petrol stations

Nis continues implementation of investmentprogram into geological exploration

Interim consolidated financial statements for jan-sep 2011 released

Nis and rag signed a joint oil and gas research agreement for south hungary

In two years petrohemija will from a loss maker turn into a profitable company

Chariman of the management board of gazprom alexey miller and the president of the republic of serbia boris tadić visited nis pančevo oil refinery

Nis and vojvodina government signed a memorandum on cooperation in the field of geothermal energy

Periodical condensed stand alone financial statements for first nine months of 2011 published

Business report for first nine months of 2011 published

Results of nis business operation for the first nine months 2011

International recognition of nis contribution to the improvement of occupational health and safety

Nis and the romanian government discussed plans for future business development

Start of oil and gas prospecting in the republic of srpska

Interim consolidated financial statements for h1 2011 released

Periodical condensed stand alone financial statements for first six months of 2011 published

Business report for first six months of 2011 published

Presentation of results achieved in the first half of 2011

First nis petrol station in the republic of srpska (bih)

Concession obtained in republic of srpska

Business report for 2010.

Oil major nis first company from serbia to open representation in brussels

Quarterly consolidated financial statements released for q1 2011.

Falcon oil & gas ltd. and naftna industrija srbije announces letter of intentfor makó trough project

East west petroleum corp and nis sign mou to cooperate in exploration and productionon 4 blocks in romania

Business report released for q1 2011.

Quarterly financial report released for q1 2011.

Presentation of results achieved first quarter of 2011

Presentation of results achieved in 2010

Board of directors of nis a.d. novi sad adopted long-term development strategy

Financial statements for year 2010

Gazprom neft and slovenian petrol sign memorandum of understanding

Nis a.d. novi sad presented results of environemental audit

Operation on gas field “torda plitko” launched

Nis a.d. novi sad earned profit in 2010

Establishment of the limited liability company „jadran-naftagas“ in republika srpska and establishment of the branch office in nojabrsk, russian federation

Interim condensed financial statements for period january-september 2010 released

Interim condensed financial statements for the six month period ended june 30, 2010

The first day on belgrade stock exchange

Nis shares admitted to belgrade stock exchange prime market

Launching of call center

Submitted request for admission of nis shares to listing a – prime market of the belgrade stock exchange

Decision on transfomation of nis in an open joint stock company