


NIS paid to shareholders 10,5 billion dinars as dividend for 2023.

Dividend Policy of NIS j.s.c. Novi Sad

Our long term dividend policy is to declare dividends totaling at least 15 percent of net profit.

Our dividend policy is based on a balanced approach that takes into account the need to retain earnings for the purpose of financing future investments, the return on equity and the dividend payout ratio.

When proposing dividends, the Company’s Board of Directors takes into consideration a range of factors, including the financial position, investment plans for the upcoming period, loan repayment schedules, the macroeconomic environment and legal requirements. Any of these factors alone or combined, if significant enough, may influence the proposed dividend payment if any.

The decision on the distribution of profits and payment of dividends is adopted by the Shareholders Assembly at the regular annual meeting.

Dividends will be declared annually and in Serbian dinars (RSD).

Dividend policy of NIS j.s.c. Novi Sad has been adopted by Decision of Shareholders’ Assembly of NIS j.s.c. Novi Sad on its 4th regular session held on 25 June 2012.

Data on dividends paid for previous years

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The company generated a profit.

At the 16th Ordinary Shareholders’ Assembly Meeting which was held on 27 June 2024, the decision to allocate 25% of net profit generated in 2023 for dividend payments was adopted. The decision stipulates the payment of 10.5 billion RSD to shareholders, or the gross amount of 64.26 RSD per share.

The shareholders who were registered in the Central Securities Depository and Clearing House, as statutory holders of NIS j.s.c. Novi Sad shares on 17 June 2024 (Record Date) are entitled to the dividend payment.

The dividend for 2023 was payed to shareholders on 28 August 2024.

For additional information, please visit our special page Dividend payment for 2023.

Certificates of withholding tax

For certificates of withholding tax paid on the dividend for natural persons and for certificate on PPP-PO form, please contact Group for minority shareholders relations on

Dividend for 2018 and 2019

According to the regulations that were valid at the time of dividend payment for 2018 and 2019, the dividend that was not paid to the shareholders’ account within 15 working days from the day of payment was returned to NIS. This dividend is paid by NIS after the Request for payment of dividend returned to the payer is submitted.

Shareholders can submit a request in person in Belgrade or Novi Sad or by registered mail.

For additional information, please contact the Group for minority shareholders relations

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