

Dividend payment for 2023

The dividend amount

On 27 June 2024 Shareholders’ Assembly of NIS j.s.c. Novi Sad has adopted the Decision on distribution of profit for 2023, dividend payment and determining the total amount of retained profit of NIS j.s.c. Novi Sad.

This decision determines that the dividend will be paid to NIS j.s.c. Novi Sad shareholders in cash, in the gross amount of RSD 10,478,261,304 i.e. in the gross amount of RSD 64.26 per share.

Withholding tax will be deducted from this amount (for resident natural persons the current tax rate is 15%). The amount of tax will be calculated and paid for shareholders by NIS, so the shareholders are not required to contact Serbian tax authorities regarding the tax on dividend.

Record date (dividend day)

In accordance with the decision of the Shareholders Assembly, the shareholders registered in the Central Securities Depository and Clearing House as legal owners of NIS j.s.c. Novi Sad shares on the Record date (Dividend Day) i.e. on 17 June 2024 are entitled to dividend payment in proportion to the number of shares they owned on that day.

Date of dividend payment

The dividend for 2023 was payed to shareholders on 28 August 2024.

Dividend payment procedure

Related to the payment of dividends, entities that are residents of Serbia should not submit to NIS any information before the payment (does not refer to custody and omnibus accounts) because the payment for minority shareholders will be made through the Central Securities Depository and Clearing House, in the following manner:

– To shareholders who have an active account of financial instruments, dividend was paid on the cash account used for trading in shares. In case the dividend is not paid into the shareholder’s cash account within 15 working days from the date of dividend payment, the amount of dividend can be withdrawn in person at the counter of OTP banka Srbija with the ID card;

– Shareholders who do not have an active account of financial instruments as their account has been terminated after the Record date (dividend day), may submit to the corporate agent of NIS (OTP banka Srbija) instructions for dividend payment until the day preceding the day of calculation of dividend. If they do not do so within the stipulated period, then after the day of dividend payment, the amount of dividend can be withdrawn in person at the counter of OTP banka Srbija with the ID card;

– Shareholders who received shares as employees or former employees and who have not opened a securities account until the record date are able to withdraw the paid amount in person at OTP banka Srbija with their personal ID card;

– Shareholders who received 5 NIS shares as citizens, are able to withdraw the dividend from the cash account that they registered when they signed up for free shares (shareholders need to notify the Bank Postanska stedionica about changes regarding their registered cash account). If a shareholder has registered a cash account opened with Bank Postanska stedionica, dividend can be withdrawn at the Post office with personal ID card.

regarding the dividends for 2018 and 2019

According to the regulations that were valid at the time of dividend payment for 2018 and 2019, the dividend that was not paid to the shareholders’ account within 15 working days from the day of payment was returned to NIS. This dividend is paid by NIS after the Request for payment of dividend returned to the payer is submitted.

Shareholders can submit a request in person in Belgrade or Novi Sad or by mail.

Decisions and notifications

27 August 2024 Notice of dividend payment for 2023
15 August 2024 Notice of intent to pay dividend for 2023
28 July 2024 Notification to members of the Central Depository and Clearing house (submitting Residence Certificate and information on beneficial owners of income) (pdf, 88KB)
27 June 2024 Decision of Shareholders’ Assembly on distribution of profit for 2023, dividend payment and determining the total amount of retained profit of NIS j.s.c. Novi Sad (pdf, 341KB)

Certificates of withholding tax

For certificates of withholding tax paid on the dividend for natural persons and for certificate on PPP-PO form, please contact Practice for compliance of public companies on


For additional information, please contact Practice for compliance of public companies.