Solvency Report – NIS is a Reliable Business Partner

June 25, 2012
Rating LLC, a solvency assessment company that uses Dun & Bradstreet (D&B) methodology, has upgraded the rating of NIS from the last year’s 5A3 to 5A2 this year.
D&B rating is the assessment of the company’s financial standing based on measurable and immeasurable data influencing its solvency. It consists of two indicators – financial capacity and risk/success of making deals. Apart from financial data, information on stability, perspective, economic, legal, environmental and social responsibility are also taken into account in the assessment.
5A2 is a big recognition and it labels NIS as a reliable and safe company for cooperation.
Dun & Bradstreet (D&B) is an information licensing supranational company headquartered in the United States, founded 170 years ago. Its main activities are independent assessment of businesses. Its customers have access to solvency reports of more than 180.000.000 companies worldwide. Based on solvency report data, the companies determine if they can trust its customers, businesses partners, debtors and policy holders. They use solvency reports to decide on methods of payment, credits conditions, insurance and factoring.

Other news from month: June 2012

June 26, 2012
Annual Report for 2011 and Decision on Distributing Profit and Covering Losses of NIS j.s.c. Novi Sad for 2011 Adopted

June 25, 2012
Solvency Report – NIS is a Reliable Business Partner

June 18, 2012
47th session of the NIS a.d. Novi Sad Board of Directors