NIS Presented the Report on Sustainable Development for 2013

July 9, 2014
NIS has presented a report on sustainable development for 2013, which is in accordance with the standards of the world’s leading organization in the field of sustainable business – Global Reporting Initiative.
At the presentation of the report speakers were Ana Trbović Ph.D., dean of the Faculty of Economics, Finance and Administration, Kirill Kravchenko, NIS CEO, Igor Lončarević, partner in the tax and legal department of KPMG and Jelena Bulatović, executive director of the Serbian Association of Managers.
The report was confirmed by an independent auditor KPMG and has received a B+ rating. Compared to the report for 2012, the company has made progress since the transparency in reporting was increased. The number of indicators compared to the previous report increased from 41 to 48.
NIS is the first company in Serbia which for the fourth year in a row, through open dialogue, implements the practice of regular reporting to all stakeholders on important aspects of its business, all in accordance with the company’s goal to improve a long-term partnership for the creation of a high quality environment.
Sustainable Development Report includes achievements ин 2013 that were focused on the development of the company, but also on improving of life of the community through the realization of economic, cultural and social growth. The report was presented to the NIS’s traditional forum, made up of five round tables, which consisted of representatives of the Company, representatives of ministries, state institutions, the University of Belgrade and Novi Sad, non-governmental organizations, associations of oil business, the largest companies in Serbia, and media representatives.
The complete report can be downloaded from the company’s website: www.nis.eu

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