NIS has presented the Report on Sustainable Development for 2015

June 30, 2016
NIS has presented the Report on Sustainable Development for 2015, which is in accordance with the standards of Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), world’s leading organization in the field of sustainable business. According to these rules, NIS’ Report is compliant with G4 standards and guidelines for sustainability reporting for Oil & Gas Sector.
In addition to being the first company in Serbia to publish a verified Sustainable Development Report, NIS continued to improve the transparency of reporting in this area in 2015, so the number of indicators has increased from 69 to 80.
The report was verified by the independent auditing firm Ernst & Young in Serbia and it was traditionally presented at the dialogue of stakeholders, attended, besides Kirill Kravchenko, NIS CEO, also by Stephen Fish, a partner in the audit firm Ernst & Young, Irena Sollorano, permanent representative of the United Nations Development Programme in Serbia (UNDP) and Ana Trbović, professor at the Faculty of Economics, Finance and Administration (FEFA) in Belgrade.
The emphasis in the Sustainable Development Report for 2015 is on what NIS achieved in implementing the HSE policy, i.e. in the area of health and safety at work and environmental protection. NIS has also declared 2016 as the year of HSE at the company, indicating that the issues in this area are an absolute priority in the business.
This is why, after an introductory discussion, a panel was held on the topic of “Year of Safety (HSE) in NIS and Activities in the Field of Employee Safety and Environmental Protection”, which was attended by representatives of NIS, state institutions and the largest companies in Serbia.
The Sustainable Development Report of NIS provides information on important aspects of business and achievements, which NIS, as a socially responsible company, achieved in the previous year, and which are aimed at improving life in the community through the realization of economic, cultural and social growth. Dedicated to application of the highest standards in reporting, the basis for the preparation of the report of NIS was again the Materiality Matrix, which represents a comparative overview of the key topics for the business from the perspective of the company and stakeholders.
NIS published its first verified Sustainable Development Report in 2011 and has adhered since then to GRI guidelines, which are generally accepted framework for reporting on economic, environmental and social performance of the organization.
The complete Sustainable Development Report for 2015 of the company NIS can be found on the company’s website: www.nis.eu.
More information on standards in corporate reporting can be found at the following Internet address: www.globalreporting.org.

Other news from month: June 2016